Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Accidental Billionaires...

Accidental or not, we could all learn to at least think like the two men (boys) that revolutionized the face of networking. And believe you me, I'll be at the book store to pick this one up by the end of the week! It's a supposed tale of the two as undergrads and their path to creating the social media phenomenon, Facebook, now just another household name (and verb at times - i.e. "Facebook those pics!")

Ben Mezrich, the author, is a Harvard graduate himself and has published 9 other books.

Read more about Ben, and a few of the reviews of The Accidental Billionaires that have been written thus far. Remember, it was just released yesterday, July 14, so there's not much commentary yet.

Q&A with the author here

Happy Reading!

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