Friday, July 24, 2009

Wedding Entrance Dance

Here's just another reason I'm happy to be moving to the great state of Minnesota. This video had only 133,000 views yesterday, and now it has 1,613,000. Wow - SO much fun :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kangaroo Millionaire by Marc Hrisko

This is a short excerpt from chapter 1 of the soon to be released Kangaroo Millionaire by Marc Hrisko.

"There are 6.6 billion people on planet earth, but only 10 million of them are millionaires. Do the math. That means that 99.99851% of the people who live on the planet have never made a million dollars. Does this make them failures? Of course not; that's ridiculous. But it does mean that 99.99851% of the advice you will ever receive about making a million dollars is coming from people who've never done it themselves. Could they get lucky and give you some useful advice? Perhaps. Even a stopped clock is right two times a day. So sure, that's possible.

But the more likely scenario is that they will simply regurgitate something they heard in college, or on TV, or read somewhere that was written by someone who doesn't know what it takes to create massive wealth."

The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being

I've been reading the Sedona Method over the last several weeks. I usually try and read books a little quicker, but for some reason, I haven't made much progress on it. That said, I don't think it's something you should read in a day anyway. The process itself is something that will take a little while to get used to using on a daily/hourly basis, but I do REALLY recommend making the time to at least learn the ins and outs of the method. It's all about releasing your thoughts and emotions and letting go of them, not suppressing them (the two are very different!)

Here are a few key thoughts and ideas from the method that I certainly think are worth noting:

Hale Dwoskin begins to explain the method in a very simple, physical way. Here's how he begins on page 36: "Pick up a pen, a pencil, or some small object that you would be willing to drop without giving it a second thought. Now, hold it in front of you and really grip it tightly Pretend this is one of your limiting feelings and that your hand represents your gut or your consciousness. If you held the object long enough, this would start to feel uncomfortable yet familiar. Now open your hand and roll the object around it it. Notice that you are the one holding on to it; it is not attached to your hand. The same is true with your feelings, too. Your feelings are as attached to you as this object is attached to your hand. We hold onto feelings and forget that we are holding on to them." So, this is the difference between saying "I AM sad." or "I FEEL sad." If you can start by separating yourself from the feeling, you've already taken your first step towards releasing. Make sense? At least a little bit?

It's also recommended to release and let go of your good feelings. This seems a little odd, but as Dwoskin says, you should "make room throughout your day for the posibility of gains, and stay open to the unexpected."

Lester Levenson, the father of the Sedona method, used to call the method the "bottoms-up method" - this explanation may help you understand it a little further. He says that what you may consider a peak experience right now will eventually become where you bottom out. Imagine a day when the best feelings you can imagine, are the lowest feelings you could ever feel b/c you're capable of an even higher level of happiness than you currently know today.

OK - since I'm still reading the book, I'll leave my thoughts here for now, and write more later. Visit to learn more.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Tweets for Treats in NYC!

Check this out!

Decorating Ideas

Here are some of the design ideas I like, and images I pulled from I'm trying to decorate my apt. without spending much money and for a pretty small space! I think a trip to Hobby Lobby is in order soon :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A few months ago, I vowed to never watch the news again.

Now, I still stay up to date on things by reading headlines and eavesdropping mostly, but why inundate yourself? Several of my mentors have recommended this tactic (Timothy Ferriss, Rhonda Byrne, etc) and quite frankly, I'm recommending it to you. This tiny little step (or skipped step) in your day will certainly bring you more happiness - why focus on the world's trials and tribulations? Stop giving your attention to the bad, and focus on the good. Who ever really turns off the news and feels better about going to bed? The news used to be my reminder to lock the doors at night, and nothing more.

This is all a little crazy for me considering I was a journalism major, but our society simply focuses on the negative, and I think it's time for a change.

If you must take in some news (I recommend it in spare amounts) try web sites that focus on the positive, like - what an inspiring web site! With great stories, columns, videos, quotes and more, this site will certainly leave you feeling a little bit better about the world than when you first approached the site.

Check it out. Laugh a little. Inspire yourself. After all, who couldn't use a little inspiration in times like these?

"Happy people plan actions, they don't plan results." - Dennis Wholey

Free Rich Dad Training!

Attend a free seminar near you! Get started with like-minded individuals, network and get your foot in the door!! Click here to find a class near YOU!

The Accidental Billionaires...

Accidental or not, we could all learn to at least think like the two men (boys) that revolutionized the face of networking. And believe you me, I'll be at the book store to pick this one up by the end of the week! It's a supposed tale of the two as undergrads and their path to creating the social media phenomenon, Facebook, now just another household name (and verb at times - i.e. "Facebook those pics!")

Ben Mezrich, the author, is a Harvard graduate himself and has published 9 other books.

Read more about Ben, and a few of the reviews of The Accidental Billionaires that have been written thus far. Remember, it was just released yesterday, July 14, so there's not much commentary yet.

Q&A with the author here

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Great Way to Start Your Financial Education

Rich Dad Poor Dad - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki was the very first book that inspired me to go about working and investing a different way than what is ordinarily accepted in our consumer-debt driven society.

It's an easy read, and a great way to start seeing life from a different perspective. Check out my friend, Trevor's blog here to read a great review on the book's concepts and ideas.

And remember to take these books and ideas in as a guiding force, not as the "end all be all". The way you acheive your wealth will undoubtedly vary, but why not study from some of the best mentors out there?

When do you start making money as an employee?

So, I'm still working on one of Loral Langemeier's programs called Building Your Wealth Cycles. I will write more about it as I continue, but thought you may be interested in this little startling fact that she shares on pg. 29 of the workbook:

"If you're an employee, due to the amount of taxes you're required to pay, you actually don't start making money for yourself until May, from January 1st to May 9th...all the money you earn goes to the government for taxes! May 10th is when you start earning money for yourself!"

Now for most of us, it's not a surprise that the government is taking so much of our earned income, but it is shocking when you think about it like this.

Visit for more information. I highly recommend this program, as it is coupled with yet another program by Loral and Bob Proctor - another great mentor.

Onward & upward! Happy Tuesday :)