Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My mind branches and shoots..

For those of you who know me, you're well aware of how neat and tidy I keep my things [insert wink here]. Unfortunately/fortunately that's how my mind works as well. My days consist of an on-going series of random thoughts in which each new one hardly relates to the last. I recently finished Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard. It was not my choice to read the novel as I'm still on MU's leash, but I did enjoy parts of it. Dillard says very eloquently that "[her] mind branches and shoots like a tree." And for that, I can relate. It's this very reason, that I've decided to finally blog - and this time it is for real, yo. It's challenging keeping track of all those journals, post-its and lists I have scattered about. So, here's to an honest attempt to keep track of my thoughts. Cheers!

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