Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Conspiracy of the Rich

So, I haven't blogged in awhile... from ending my last internship to graduating school and landing a 'real, grown-up' job, let's just say my time has been spent elsewhere. That said, I've taken a few weeks to get my life back in order, or at least it feels like it is. I'm back into a swing that I quite like, and am ready and focused on creating the best life for me.
  • PartI: Exercise regularly. Check.
  • PartII: Journal/write/blog on a daily basis. Check.
  • PartIII: Read, and continue to learn. Check. Check. Check.
Unfortunately for PartIII, there's about 1 billiion things I'd like to be reading at once. On my current reading list:
  1. The Sedona Method
  2. The Law of Success
  3. Eclipse (don't judge me)
  4. The Life Guide
  5. Conspiracy of the Rich

Number 5 is the one I'd like to currently discuss. It is available online, for FREE, and you can receive updates when new chapters are posted right to your email! I'm just getting started, but let it be known.. I already know that I will enjoy the teachings in this book. Robert Kiyosaki has much knowledge to offer, and if you have any interest in taking control of your financial situation TODAY, take a look at what's happening in the world around us.

Read it here.

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